Association today


The contemporary world and its perspective today are characterized by increasingly complex and difficult to resolved situations with an increased role of scientific knowledge in the social processes. With the growing importance and influence of scientific knowledge in the development of human society, the opportunities for the implementation of inadequate scientific research of the society also have a growing trend, as does the possibility of abusing the results of such research.

Hence, the development of the methodology of social sciences and specific methodologies within it, as well as their consistent and responsible application can contribute to the development of contemporary societies and their political, economic, legal, social, cultural and technological prosperity.

In order to stimulate faster development of the methodology of social sciences and specific methodologies within it, towards the end of 2009, the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences was founded, as a voluntary, non-governmental, non-party and non-profit association situated in Belgrade. Perhaps the question arises why the International Association of Methodologist was founded in the scientific field of Social Sciences? The answer is quite simple. Science and scientific truth, namely, true scientific knowledge is international in its origin and consequences. Legitimate, reliable and valid scientific knowledge can be obtained exclusively through a valid selection and by adequate application of scientific methods, techniques, instruments and procedures, which the scientific methodology focuses on.

The Association was established induced by an increasing need for a valid and reliable diagnostic and prognostic research of social tendencies. Any arbitrariness in the scientific research of social phenomena and processes leads to incorrect results. What is worse, such results can point the decision-making process and social behavior in the wrong direction. The consequences caused by such situation can last for decades and even centuries.

In order to avoid such mistakes and to ensure competence in scientific research of society, it is necessary to rely heavily on the Methodology of Social Sciences. Competent scientific research of contemporary social phenomena and processes can only be implemented with the support of the leading experts in the field of Methodology of Social Sciences and sciences belonging to this corpus. These are, beyond doubt, those scientific and research workers who have obtained their MA and PhD thesis in the field of Methodology of Social Sciences, viz., from the field of Methodology of individual sciences in the corpus of Social Sciences, which was necessary to assemble and organize within our professional international association.

Social Sciences Methodologist MISSION

The strategic mission of the Social Sciences Methodologist, as well as the methodologists in other fields of science, is to develop the existing and discover new methods of acquiring scientific knowledge, and also to solve the problems of conceptualization and design of scientific research.

Social Sciences Methodologist GOALS

Main goals of Social Sciences Methodologist are:

  1. to critically address all the research in social sciences;
  2. to warn of the consequences of inadequate scientific research;
  3. to oppose the teaching of methodology by incompetent personnel;
  4. to continuously point to the need for discovering scientifically truthful knowledge and
  5. to permanently point to the harmfulness of quasi-scientific data and knowledge on the development of contemporary societies.

Social Sciences Methodologist TASKS

At the stage of development of the contemporary states, methodologists of social sciences are engaged in achieving the following strategic tasks:

  1. development and affirmation of the methodology of social sciences;
  2. correct application of methodological and method knowledge in scientific-research and professional practice;
  3. scientific-methodological education and training of scientific-research personnel and their promotion;
  4. evaluation of scientific research, adequate application of scientific and methodological knowledge and contribution to the development of such knowledge;
  5. adequate participation of competent scientific workers – methodologists in scientific research of society, development of conditions for such research and its application in social practice;
  6. issuing scientific monographs, editions, books, textbooks, manuals and other publications in the field of methodology of social sciences and humanities and special methodologies there within.

In less than ten years of its existence and work, the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences has become a prestigious international professional association in a significant area for the socio-humanistic scientific field – the methodology of scientific research, which is the basis for acquiring fundamental, epistemological knowledge indispensible for systematic scientific research implementation in all social domains.

In pursuing its sublime scientific mission, the International Association of Methodologist has over the past nine years organized several scientific conferences in cooperation with relevant scientific institutions from abroad. Some of them are: “The Role of Forecasting Research in the Development of Contemporary Society”, “The Role of Futurology in the Research of Modern States”, “Significance of Applied Research for the development of Science and solving the problems of Social Practice”. Over the next couple of years, the Association plans to organize two more International Scientific Conferences: “The Role of Fundamental Research in the Development of Contemporary States”, and after that “The Role of Developmental Research in the Implementing the Prosperous Development of Society”, and later other scientific conferences to deal with the crucial social issues.

In its rich scientific work, the International Association of Methodologist directly cooperates with educational and scientific institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations, including the Academy of Sciences and Professional Scientific Associations. Members of the Association of Methodologist publish dozens of outstandingly valuable scientific-methodological materials each year and participate in a number of scientific meetings dedicated to the promotion of science and scientific research.

By examining the current state of general methodology and specific methodologies of individual scientific fields in all the fields of science, the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences concludes that the scientific methodology is nowadays underestimated and its application is questionable. Methodology, as a fundamental science for directing and conducting scientific research is currently more threatened than ever before. In general, at many higher educational and scientific institutions, the general methodology and specific methodologies of science are not studied. Very often, scientific methodology is taught by professors who never studied this subject themselves at previous levels of education. It is often the case that teaching materials in methodology of scientific research (course notes, manuals, and even textbooks) are published by completely incompetent persons. In practice, there are even situations in which courses in methodology of scientific research at doctoral academic studies are based around quasi-scientific textbooks. Thus, incompetent teachers, mentors and commission members produce even more incompetent future scientists. If adequate measures are not taken urgently, this can lead to a catastrophic situation in producing scientific youth. This state of affairs in the area of ​​the methodology of scientific research threatens to disregard scientific work, degrade science and prevent the implementation of its primary social function, which is reflected in the generation and direction of the development of contemporary societies.

Due to the ever more noticeable decline in the quality of university teaching in the field of general methodology and specific methodologies of science, especially at doctoral and postdoctoral studies, the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences invites competent social institutions that direct the development of higher education and science in all countries, in the interest of improving scientific research activities and long-term training of competent scientific youth, to regulate the field of research methodology in a responsible manner across all fields of science according to the following criteria:

  1. To introduce one-semester or two-semester courses at the faculties and colleges at all levels of education in the field of: a) general methodology and b) methodologies of special sciences that are studied within individual fields of science and science as such.
  2. To ensure teaching contents in the field of methodology is compiled by verified and trained methodologists in cooperation with andragogists, psychologists and professors of fundamental subjects in individual fields of science.
  3. To disallow the implementation of scientific research projects in the scientific institutes, economy, public administration and public services to commence without the participation of a verified and competent methodologist.
  4. To neither approve nor finance scientific research from the state budget prior to submitting a research project that is valid, competently created and approved by a competent institution.
  5. To accredit only professors of Universities and scientists from the institutes who have obtained their doctorates in the field of general methodology and specific methodologies of individual scientific areas and scientific disciplines within these fields, as well as scientists who have published a sufficient number of competently reviewed and remarkable scientific and methodological works (monographs, studies, projects, textbooks and scientific papers published in reference scientific journals and proceedings of scientific meetings) for teaching methodology of scientific research at the University level.
  6. In cases of lack of scientific personnel that meet these criteria, to organize their continuous (annual) scientific and methodological training, without which no licenses for working for scientific and educational institutions should be issued.

The International Association of Methodist of Social Sciences recommends the state and private faculties, colleges and academies in all countries to analyze the existing structure and quality of study programs in the parent educational institutions, as well as the capability of the existing and contracted scientific personnel to carry out university teaching in general methodology and specific methodologies of sciences, especially at the second and third levels of studies.

Without the development of a general methodology of science and specific methodologies of individual scientific fields, there is no true scientific knowledge, and without the true, objective and verifiable scientific perception there can be no development of a modern society. Therefore, it is necessary to permanently upgrade methodological criteria.

Methodologists have an indispensable role in the conceptualization and implementation of scientific research. Accordingly, the International Associations of Methodologist of Social Sciences declares readiness to provide permanent professional assistance and support to the competent state institutions, organizations and establishments, in particular the National Councils for Higher Education, Commissions and National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Agencies, the Ministries of Education and Science of all countries in which there are national associations or sections of methodologists of social sciences.

Communication with the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences is possible through the Steering and Supervisory Committees, the President, the Deputy President, the Vice-President and the Secretary General of the Association. Contact details of the bodies of the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences are available at the website of the Association.

In order to improve the conditions in the field of methodology of social sciences, the International Association of Methodologist invites methodologists from European and countries around the world who have completed doctoral or MA (master) studies in the field of methodology of social sciences and special sciences within it, as well as scientists from the institutes and research centers who have published multiple monographs, books, textbooks and other scientific papers in the field of methodology of social sciences and university professors who have across a number of years successfully taught methodology, and published multiple reviewed scientific papers in this field to join the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences.

Membership in the International Association of Methodologist of Social Sciences can be collective and individual provided that collective or individual subjects are engaged in true scientific research work, support the work of the Association, accept the goals and Statute of the Association and pay the membership fee. The annual membership fee for collective members is EUR 50, and for individual members EUR 17 in dinar equivalent, at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia, on the day of payment.